Sep 29, 2009

Before & After: The Book Exchange

A few weeks ago, the girls and I had a book exchange. Basically you take any book you have read and don't want to keep, and trade it with someone else's book. We found ourselves unsure which books we wanted to read, so each person did a mini-synopsis of each book. Well, each book worth synopsis-izing. Some books just didn't need it - you know the ones, the trashy David Baldacci mysteries, the sappy romances, the beach reads - I knew I wanted to read them all. :-)

Because of the popularity of some of the books up for grabs, we put post-its on the inside with the original owner's name, and then the order of people who would be reading the book. We're all lovely loving friends who see each other often enough to be able to hand off the books.

For me, this is the PERFECT solution to my reading habit. I can't seem to return books to the library on time (I think I've donated more to the library last year in the form of fines than any other patron), or get there when it's open. And the bargain books at Brookline Booksmith aren't such a bargain when you're reading at least 2 books per week.

My books, before (well, after Danielle S had taken some of them):

And after!
Ok, between the book exchange and the time this photo was taken, I also bought a box o' books at my parents' church fair. My favorite book find from the fair was the very first Nancy Drew book I ever read: The Clue in the Crumbling Wall.

I think I shall have to re-read that. Maybe when I'm done the rest of the pile...

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