Dec 3, 2013

No Hockey, But LAX is OK? [[Updated]]

Douglas James <>
9:52 PM

to katyh_1234ellenjrogersklahsracmelissa.hartri.tflorettathomas.veltzfuller1451steve.shumategarrettfan3cdhowardjillbeauchamp8.jim.reanytomshelley850smeyers6pflanwebnperrymanegallagher21don_mindymeganbrowdyrisharpanscoopersteveandkathysrsaleebybrowe
Middle School Parents

We need your help. You must register your players through our website. Your players are registered and paid with their respective teams. However, we need your US Lacrosse #'s in order for our league insurance to be valid. We are simply asking that you follow the link sent to you from, create an account on our site, provide us a US Lacrosse #, sign an electronic waiver, and checkout. The entire process takes no more than 2 minutes and is important for the everyone to continue in this league. We will not charge you for this. The website already recognizes you as a MS participant since you have come to the site through this link. You do not need to select a program. You simply follow the BLUE buttons on the top right of the page and will ultimately land on a checkout page that says you paid $0.00.

Let us reiterate: We MUST collect US Lacrosse #'s in order to get adequate insurance coverage. We have talked with US Lacrosse and Bollinger about this and the rules are quite strict.

We do not wish to hold any players out of competition, but we will be forced to do so if we do not get this information from the families.


Casey Fitzsimmons <caseywilliams is a stupidly common name at gmail>

to Douglas
Can pregnant women play lacrosse? Or yellow dogs? Or 31 year old men?

Hmm.. given that this is a middle school league, I'm guessing none of the above. However I do think you should make an exception for me because I played street hockey until I got knocked up. My husband is probably a little old/big to play, and the dog would just chase everyone around. 

So what do you think?


Casey Fitzsimmons
Boston, MA

These ladies don't look pregnant, but Google Image Search says that they're relevant to the search "pregnant woman playing lacrosse" so it must be true.

This is definitely a dog, at least thinking about playing lacrosse. No wait, that looks like hockey. Google, you cray cray.

Douglas James
9:10 PM

to me
I'm confident there is a "pregnant women's league" somewhere in Boston.  Heck, East Coast--Lacrosse Hotbed--gotta be!!
I have family in Marblehead and ask them to look around for you!!
Sorry about the email, obviously we have an incorrect address in the system.
P.S. Does the yellow dog retrieve ducks?  If so, we may be able to use him.

Casey Fitzsimmons <caseywilliams>

to Douglas
The yellow dog DOES retrieve things from water --- he loves to fetch logs (firewood size), will tolerate sticks, and has a hatred for ducks, so I think he's trainable as a hunting dog. 

Given my OB/GYN won't let me play street hockey, I'm scared to ask her about LAX! Or perhaps I'll go rogue and start my own pregnant womens' no-contact league. 

Good luck getting your middle school league off the ground. First Step: Getting parents to correctly write down their email addresses.


Casey "Thinking about finally switching to my married name email address" (Williams) Fitzsimmons

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